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Supply chain finance


Shenzhen Zhongzhan Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd. provides low-cost and stable funds for small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain, and provides sustainable cash support for the main business

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In the "fund flow, logistics, and information flow", the primary party of "logistics", logistics companies also play a vital role in the development of logistics supply chain finance. The involvement of third-party logistics in supply chain financial innovation not only helps to solve the problem of financial activities in the supply chain, but also optimizes the logistics process.

In foreign countries, many banks and large logistics companies have practiced logistics chain finance business and have obtained good returns. In China, the economic development and the urgent need for corporate financing have provided internal impetus for the development of logistics supply chain finance.

Logistics supply chain finance can not only effectively revitalize the company's inventory and alleviate financing difficulties, but also broaden business planning for financial organizations and logistics companies, and open up a wide range of shopping malls.

Logistics supply chain finance (Logistics Finance) refers to the operation process oriented to the logistics industry, through the use and development of various financial products, to effectively arrange and adjust the circulation of currency funds in the logistics field. These capital flows include various deposits, loans, investments, trusts, leases, pawns, etc. that occur in the logistics process, as well as various intermediate businesses that touch the logistics industry handled by financial organizations.

There are three main bodies in logistics finance: logistics companies, financial organizations and borrowing companies (customers). Borrowing companies are the demanders of financing services; logistics companies and financial organizations provide financing services for borrowing companies; the three cooperate with each other for mutual benefit in logistics handling activities.

According to the different degree of participation of financial organizations, the operation form of logistics supply chain finance can be divided into the form of capital flow, the form of financial logistics and the form of induction. During this period, the form of capital flow is the form of the flow of financial organizations directly participating in logistics activities, including four typical forms: warehouse receipt pledge form, credit financing form, buyer's credit form and advance loan form; financial logistics form is the flow of financial organizations indirectly participating in logistics activities. There are two forms of circulation: the alternative form of procurement and the form of letter of credit guarantee; the inductive form is a combination of capital and financial logistics.

Logistics supply chain financial characteristics

Long-distance: With the nationwide service network of logistics companies and the fund clearing network within the banking system, the mortgage business of movable property can be carried out in the organization area set up by the bank, and can also be carried out in different places, and can ensure the speed of funds Timely delivery of remittance planning and logistics.

Extensiveness: The service area of ​​logistics finance is extensive. It can not only be in the organization area set up by the bank, but also be able to carry out business beyond the plan. The variety of pledged goods is extensive and can cover all the varieties that logistics companies can take care of, such as various industrial and daily products, finished products and original products.

Characteristics of Supply Chain Finance

Participants are diversified: traditional financial organizations, financing companies, and additional central companies and logistics companies.

It has the characteristics of self-compensation, closure and continuity: self-compensation refers to the cash flow that the repayment originated from the trade itself; closure refers to that the bank sets up a closed borrowing operation process to ensure that the special funds are used exclusively, and the borrower cannot It is embezzled for other purposes; continuity refers to the continuous occurrence of similar trade behaviors between upstream and downstream.

The credit granting of logistics supply chain finance is aimed at the whole supply chain, and the credit method of "1+N" is realized. This has changed the marketing method of logistics supply chain financing. It is no longer looking for customers in isolation, but looking for customers’ capital needs around the supply chain of the central enterprise, greatly reducing the cost of customer development in the logistics supply chain and increasing corporate-to-bank Degree of dependence. Second, supply chain finance has changed the method of granting credit to SMEs and lowered the financing threshold for SMEs.

Logistics supply chain finance is for all small and medium-sized enterprises that meet their access conditions, regardless of planning, variety, and region; while supply chain finance is to provide financing services for upstream and downstream small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain and central enterprises in the supply chain.

When launching the logistics supply chain financial business, SMEs use their own resources to provide guarantees, and the risk of financing activities is primarily caused by the borrowing company. The guarantee of supply chain finance is mainly based on the central enterprise, or the central enterprise is jointly and severally liable. The danger is caused by the central enterprise and the upstream and downstream small and medium-sized enterprises; problems in any link in the supply chain will affect the safety and borrowing of the entire supply chain The smooth return, so the operation is more dangerous. However, the borrowing income of financial organizations will also increase due to the addition of the entire supply chain. For logistics supply chain finance, logistics companies, as the primary operators of financing activities, provide financing services to borrowing companies.

In the logistics supply chain financial ecosystem, offline service channels are primarily dedicated to providing financial services for traditional industries in the supply chain. Online services include wealth management and consumer financial services for small and micro terminals. The entire system forms a complete circle. From production to sales, it can get financial support, making the combination of capital and industry closer.

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